



Thank you to all who made the concert/fundraiser a success. You can still support the Pregnancy Help Center directly by clicking here can purchase the CD and 50% of the proceeds will go to the Pregnancy Help Center. Just click here and fill out the form and I will personally get back to you. 

      El 29 de abril de 2018, el Señor llevó a su hija, Kira Ardón, a su casa para estar con Él, donde un día la veremos nuevamente. En el funeral, tuve el placer de tocar una canción que Kira solía cantar, era su canción de amor para el Señor. Supe en ese momento que necesitaría grabar esa canción. Mi deseo es que esta canción sirva como recuerdo para Kira, así como una bendición para Melvin, Giulliana y Lucas, y que el Señor la usará para atraer a muchos hacia Él.

      On April 29th 2018, the Lord took His daughter, Kira Ardon, home to be with Him where one day we will see her again. At the funeral, I had the pleasure of playing a song that Kira would often sing, it was her love song to the Lord. I knew at that time that I would need to record that song. My desire is that this song will serve as a memory to Kira as well as a blessing to Melvin, Giulliana and Luka and that the Lord will use it to draw many to Him.

Este proyecto está dedicado a la familia Ardon, Melvin, Giulliana y Luka. He tenido la suerte de conocerlos durante los últimos 4 años y el 100% de los fondos recaudados se destinarán a ellos para apoyarlos financieramente. Sé que ellos también apreciarían tus oraciones.

This Project is dedicated to the Ardon Family, Melvin, Giulliana and Luka. I have been blessed to know them for the past 4 years and 100% of the funds raised will go to them, to support them financially. I know they would appreciate your prayers also. 

Puedes comprar descargar la canción aquí haciendo clic aquí en

You can buy download the song here by click here